Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wanted: College Grads Living and Working at Home

You’ve just graduated! The sky’s the limit, the world is your oyster, the gravy train is leaving, and your parents just called to say dinner is in the oven and remember to walk the dog when you get home.

Unfortunately today’s college graduates are finding their hopeful career path is undergoing construction… indefinitely. At a time when the doors of opportunity should be opening up, it’s the familiar door of your childhood home that’s swinging open. Affected by the struggling economy, high unemployment, cutbacks, and mounting student loans, a majority of graduates are moving back home immediately after graduation. They’re called “boomerangers” and they’re also calling their new roomies “Mom” and “Dad.”

A recent survey conducted by indicated 80% of college students moved back home after graduating. This is an increase of 17% from 2006. Out of the 2,000 students surveyed, seven out of ten stated they would continue to reside at home until they found a job.

It’s not uncommon to move back in with your parents after graduating college. For some, it can be extremely comforting to know living expenses are one less thing to worry about. Most parents realize obtaining a college degree no longer promises immediate employment in your chosen field of study. And, unless you have a job lined up for you after graduation, moving back home is the only option.

Now, the thought of living at home after school may not sound like the idyllic situation, but the scenario doesn’t mean you have to give up your independence, or even wait for the ideal job. In fact, this is the perfect opportunity to begin a home based business.

There is no better way to earn extra money than while living at home. Most expenses are already covered so any extra income you make can go right into your pocket. Chances are you already possess the essentials for a residual income home business: a smart, marketable idea, office/desk space, a telephone, a computer, and a lot of determination. There is a ton of information online and at your local bookstore to aide you in building your home business. Don’t be afraid to dive in head first. Who knows? Your residual income opportunity could pay off your dreaded student loans or even catapult you onto another career path that’s open for business.

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