Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Smarter Home Office

The other day I was speaking to a friend of mine who owns and operates a graphic design business from his home. After a lengthy conversation on blogging, he mentioned that it was time he returned to work, stating "back to the dungeon." When I asked him why he compared his home office space to a dungeon he laughed saying that the room felt cold and depressing. Also, since it was on the opposite side of the house from the livelier rooms, it gave the impression of complete separation from everyone else.

Having an undesirable home office space can be detrimental to your home based business. Location, lighting, clutter and noise are but a few elements of your home office that can cause major distractions, when negative, ultimately leading to work stoppage/loss which can directly affect your ability to make residual income.

You may feel the “personality” of your office space isn’t important but you’d be amazed how the arrangement of your work room can make you feel despondent and negative. In The Smarter Home Office: 8 Simple Steps to Increase Your Income, Inspiration and Comfort, author Linda Varone targets the potential pitfalls of your office space. The award-winning design consultant discusses how to choose the right lighting to decrease eye strain and low energy levels, how to choose the best chair for the ultimate in support, and where to position your office desk for maximum work efficiency. You’ll also read about tips on painting, decorating, space usage, organization, and storage. The Smarter Home Office also sheds much needed light on how to run a home business while working under the same roof as your family. Let’s face it, dealing with family and business in the same space can be a bit daunting at times.

By realizing the potential of your office space, the benefits of having a residual income home business, and how small, low-budget upgrades can provide a work space that’s uplifting and inspiring, you’re sure to generate positive results all around.

1 comment:

  1. Thank You !!! i'm now going to do some re-decorating to see if it will produce a higher efficiency :)
