Wednesday, July 6, 2011

How to Transition from the Corporate Office to Your Work at Home Office

Making the leap from a corporate environment to a home based business can be exhilarating and terrifying all at once. The shift isn’t a small one so any planning on your end before you make the big “move” is highly recommended. If you can prepare financially, physically, mentally, and yes, even emotionally, you’ll be ahead of the game.

1. Finances – Being financially ready is fundamentally essential when starting a home based business. Yes, it’s a no brainer, that’s true. But, preparing for advance costs from new company legal work (DBA, LLC, trademark, etc.) to furniture to electronics, will keep you from getting financially frustrated down the road.
2. Health Care – Leaving a full time, corporate gig means you’ll also be leaving your company provided health care insurance. Make arrangements beforehand to alleviate any unforeseen insurance issues once you start your residual income home business.
3. Atmosphere – A major environmental change takes place when you start working from home. Your work friends are no longer around, the local bagel guy isn’t delivering to your home office and your current lunch meetings come to a complete stall. In other words, the people you’ve come to rely on for everyday office company are no longer there. To keep from feeling lonely or out of touch, make lunch plans with a friend or colleague, or grab your computer and work from your local coffee shop or bookstore. There are various ways to keep from getting the home office blues.
4. Planning – Being your own boss is definitely a step in the right direction to residual income, but no one said it was easy. Distractions are everywhere and no one is looking over your shoulder to make sure the work gets done. It’s important that you become a planning fanatic when working from home. Establish regular business hours, create deadlines, schedule meetings and monitor your to-do lists. Knowing how to effectively be your own boss will result in increased work flow.


Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Overcome the Distractions of Working from Home

Tell someone you have a home based business and their mind immediately conjures up images of you lounging around the house, sipping your favorite drink and chit-chatting with your pals while barely breaking a work sweat. It’s no wonder that having a residual income home business brings with it its own unique distractions.

One of the most common beliefs is that since you’re working from home, you’re not really working. Fact is nothing could be further from the truth. Like every job, you don’t get paid unless you work and your home business is just that – a business. Let it be known that you’re running a business, not watching the last season of Lost on DVD.

Along those same lines, being that you’re home, your family and friends may get the impression that you’re constantly available to them. Your kids, spouse, girl/boyfriend see that you are physically present; therefore you should give them the attention they’re asking for. Your friends may drop by unannounced to simply hang out. This is where you have to draw some serious boundaries. If you explain that it’s important to have your time to work so that you can have time to play, and stick to that, they will eventually get it.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, working from home can feel somewhat lonely. You’re used to working in an office full of co-workers and now it’s just you. If you begin to feel cut off from the world, remind yourself why you started your home business in the first place and the perks of doing so. You can also schedule coffee or lunch sessions with friends or colleagues to get you out of the home office for an hour or so.

Lack of motivation can be a major obstacle to overcome for those who earn residual income. When you don’t have anyone nipping at your heels or encouraging you, it’s easy to get sidetracked, put things off and feel unmotivated. When these moments present themselves, give yourself a deadline to feel what you feel and then move on. Find ways to motivate yourself and forge ahead.

No one said working from home was easy. But, if you face your distractions head on, you and your business will be the better for it.


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

The Pros and Cons of Starting a Business with a Friend

About a year ago a friend of mine announced he was starting a home based business with his closest friend. He was extremely excited, and why wouldn’t he be? The two have known each other for years (college roommates, even) and trust one another implicitly. What could go wrong?

Starting a residual income home business is extremely exciting. Starting said business with a friend is a whole other kind of excitement. And, sometimes, not the good kind. It’s risky, complicated, rewarding, challenging and entertaining, and that’s just the first week. A business partnership with your best friend is not a decision to be taken lightly. As fun as it may sound, it’s important to weigh all the pros and cons before making such a commitment.

There’s an existing level of trust already established. It’s nice to know there’s someone you can count on when it comes to running a business. You rely on their decision making and know they have you and the company’s best interest at heart. A great confidante is priceless.

You and your business partner friend don’t share the same work ethics. You may share similar passions for things on a friendship level but that doesn’t mean you approach work with the same gusto. When one of you starts to bear most of the workload, dedicates more time to making the business successful than the other, negative feelings are sure to surface.

Getting a residual income opportunity off the ground takes effort and money. Going into business with a friend and sharing financial responsibility helps to take the burden off one’s shoulders and sets the tone for true partnership.

When you have a friend as a business partner, you tend to curb your feelings toward certain business aspects. In other words, if the two of you disagree on how to handle a decision or client, instead of standing by your decision, you may bend a bit as to not upset your friend. How you would normally do business goes by the wayside and that’s never a good thing. .

At the end of the day, business is business and friendship is friendship. Sometimes the two can make beautiful music together. Sometimes the tune can be way off key. Before entering into any type of partnership with a friend, know the pros and cons of doing so. Great friends are hard to find, and even harder to replace.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Must-Have Apps for Your Home Business

Ah, the freedom of having your own home based business. Wow, the marvel of not having to be chained to your desk at all times. Ooh, all the apps you’ll need now that you’re a mobile business wunderkind. Here are five applications sure to get your residual income home business off to a running start:

1. Dropbox – Although this application is free, it’s nothing short of priceless. It allows you to synchronize files, photos and video between computers. Just save your file in Dropbox and it automatically saves that same file on your home computer, iPad and iPhone. It’s like taking your home office with you wherever you go.

2. Bump – Like the name says, all you’ve got to do is “bump” your iPhone or Android with someone else’s and you instantly exchange contact information between the two users. It’s a virtual business card that saves time, hassle and money.

3. Evernote – For every mental note, be it an idea, inspiration, insight or to-do list, the Evernote app is there capturing it all. It also helps you organize all of your random thoughts and photos while providing easy search tools to find every geius thought once it’s been recorded.

4. WhosHere – In need of a local printer in your area? Then send out a request on this proximity-based social networking app. You’ll be connected to professionals in your area based on your needs and contact them free of charge. Also comes in very handy when traveling.

5. Timewerks – For home based business owners, time is essential. Easily keep track of time spent on different projects, set separate rates for each task and create and send invoices straight from your phone with the incredibly smart Timewerks app. Perfect for those wanting to build residual income.


Thursday, March 31, 2011

Wanted: College Grads Living and Working at Home

You’ve just graduated! The sky’s the limit, the world is your oyster, the gravy train is leaving, and your parents just called to say dinner is in the oven and remember to walk the dog when you get home.

Unfortunately today’s college graduates are finding their hopeful career path is undergoing construction… indefinitely. At a time when the doors of opportunity should be opening up, it’s the familiar door of your childhood home that’s swinging open. Affected by the struggling economy, high unemployment, cutbacks, and mounting student loans, a majority of graduates are moving back home immediately after graduation. They’re called “boomerangers” and they’re also calling their new roomies “Mom” and “Dad.”

A recent survey conducted by indicated 80% of college students moved back home after graduating. This is an increase of 17% from 2006. Out of the 2,000 students surveyed, seven out of ten stated they would continue to reside at home until they found a job.

It’s not uncommon to move back in with your parents after graduating college. For some, it can be extremely comforting to know living expenses are one less thing to worry about. Most parents realize obtaining a college degree no longer promises immediate employment in your chosen field of study. And, unless you have a job lined up for you after graduation, moving back home is the only option.

Now, the thought of living at home after school may not sound like the idyllic situation, but the scenario doesn’t mean you have to give up your independence, or even wait for the ideal job. In fact, this is the perfect opportunity to begin a home based business.

There is no better way to earn extra money than while living at home. Most expenses are already covered so any extra income you make can go right into your pocket. Chances are you already possess the essentials for a residual income home business: a smart, marketable idea, office/desk space, a telephone, a computer, and a lot of determination. There is a ton of information online and at your local bookstore to aide you in building your home business. Don’t be afraid to dive in head first. Who knows? Your residual income opportunity could pay off your dreaded student loans or even catapult you onto another career path that’s open for business.


Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Smarter Home Office

The other day I was speaking to a friend of mine who owns and operates a graphic design business from his home. After a lengthy conversation on blogging, he mentioned that it was time he returned to work, stating "back to the dungeon." When I asked him why he compared his home office space to a dungeon he laughed saying that the room felt cold and depressing. Also, since it was on the opposite side of the house from the livelier rooms, it gave the impression of complete separation from everyone else.

Having an undesirable home office space can be detrimental to your home based business. Location, lighting, clutter and noise are but a few elements of your home office that can cause major distractions, when negative, ultimately leading to work stoppage/loss which can directly affect your ability to make residual income.

You may feel the “personality” of your office space isn’t important but you’d be amazed how the arrangement of your work room can make you feel despondent and negative. In The Smarter Home Office: 8 Simple Steps to Increase Your Income, Inspiration and Comfort, author Linda Varone targets the potential pitfalls of your office space. The award-winning design consultant discusses how to choose the right lighting to decrease eye strain and low energy levels, how to choose the best chair for the ultimate in support, and where to position your office desk for maximum work efficiency. You’ll also read about tips on painting, decorating, space usage, organization, and storage. The Smarter Home Office also sheds much needed light on how to run a home business while working under the same roof as your family. Let’s face it, dealing with family and business in the same space can be a bit daunting at times.

By realizing the potential of your office space, the benefits of having a residual income home business, and how small, low-budget upgrades can provide a work space that’s uplifting and inspiring, you’re sure to generate positive results all around.


Tuesday, March 1, 2011

New Tech Gadgets To Inspire Your Home Business

In 2011 it’s all about tablets and 3D devices. As the tech geniuses continue to amaze and impress us with tech candy/devices/products/toys we just can’t seem to live without, here are a few that should get your gadget juices flowing and potentially streamline your home business.

iPad 2
After the much-ballyhooed introduction of the un-strategically named yet groundbreaking iPad, Apple is poised on the brink of delivering their second generation. The buzz of the iPad 2 (unofficial name at this point) actually existing has been running rampant for some time. With rumored features such as additional memory, a front and rear-facing camera, and a slimmer, lighter body, this tablet can be a much needed “assistant” to build residual income.

Blackberry Playbook
For the PC lovers, no need to fret. To keep your business running smoothly away from home is the highly anticipated Blackberry Playbook. Ready to move in March, the 7-inch beauty will also boast a front-facing and rear-facing camera, along with the support for 1080p HD video playback, Adobe Flash and HTML 5. Word is the Playbook will have 4,000 apps available on its release date. All in all, pretty impressive.

Panasonic 3D Camcorder
Everyone knows that 3D televisions are all the rage. But, what’s the use in having a 3D TV if you can’t view 3D recordings intended to help your home based business? Enter the Panasonic HDC-SDT750, a.k.a. the Panasonic 3D HD Camcorder. This nifty, not-so-little device is being touted as the world’s first 3D Camcorder for the mainstream. It’s actually an HD camcorder with a 3D conversion lens which allows recording images for both the left and right eyes at the same time through two lenses. It’s the most innovative means to record personal and professional footage today.

Polaroid GL20 Camera Glasses
At the beginning of this year Polaroid introduced their Polaroid Grey Label, an innovative line of products co-designed with pop wonder Lada Gaga. Like the artist herself, these glasses are incredibly distinct and way futuristic looking! The Camera Glasses can take photos, display them, send your pics using Bluetooth technology, play back your photos via screens on both lenses and record video. They’re ideal to document and send images while away from your home office.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Mr. Mom, Version 2.0

In the early 80’s Hollywood released a film that raised eyebrows, became a piece of Americana and launched a catch-phrase which remains relevant almost three decades later – “Mr. Mom.”

For those who’ve never seen the classic comedy, it’s all about role reversal.
The film stars Michael Keaton as Jack, a father of three who gets laid off from his engineering position at the local auto factory. While Jack comes to terms with unemployment, wife Caroline, played by Teri Garr, lands a job at an ad agency, forcing Jack to become a stay-at-home dad while mom dons the work suit. Of course, hilarity ensues as he tries to adjust to the crazy world of toddler-dom and the new title of househusband.

When “Mr. Mom” was released, the subject of a dad staying at home while his wife pursued her career was taboo. It was a small, secret society where members were constantly looking for a way out while hiding in the afternoon work shadows. Today, that notion is as outdated as a mini-cassette answering machine.

Whether by their own personal choice or a shaky economy, more men are finding themselves at home taking care of the kids and adopting to a new lifestyle. In fact, this new generation of stay-at-home dads has almost doubled in a decade, according to the Census Bureau. For some, leaving their corporate jobs behind is the kick-start of turning their home business dream into reality. No doubt today’s technology makes it a whole lot easier to start a home-based business for a little (or big) residual income. Just because mom may be the key breadwinner doesn’t mean these “Mr. Moms” can’t earn extra money.

Being a self-employed, stay-at-home parent has huge benefits (set your own hours, no commute, spend quality time with your children, be your own boss, etc.). In some cases, it makes the most financial sense, as hiring a nanny or paying for daycare can take up a large amount of one’s paycheck. And, with online support for stay-at-home dads and home businesses, the opportunity to build residual income, even on a part-time basis, is a no-brainer.

One thing’s for sure. Gone are the days of hiding inside for stay-at-home pops. They’re making themselves known and giving new meaning to the phrase “Mr. Mom.” Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the new man about the house.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Next Generation of Residual Income: How NXGEN Ambassadors is Changing the Game

In case you haven't already noticed, NXGEN Ambassadors is truly changing the game of the credit card and payment services industry. In the past only trained account consultants and connected industry professionals were allowed to get in on the payment services industry.

They raked in sometimes 6-7 figure incomes with little to no competition and guaranteed regional territories. NXGEN Payment Services saw a flaw in that system and decided to provide an alternative. Why should only trained professionals be allowed to benefit from the lucrative credit card processing world when almost everyone out there has some connection to it? You see, NXGEN Payment Services is one of the few companies out there who has experienced growth while lowering profit margins, in other words - more companies signed with NXGEN while NXGEN continually lowered rates. This might seem like a no brainer but you have to ask yourself why other companies have not been able to do the same? The reason is NXGEN's industry leading services and honest way of doing business.

NXGEN has proprietary softwares that tracks each and every merchant's processing accounts while telling them exactly what they are paying and how they can save money. Business owners can access this software remotely from anywhere in the world via the internet, instead of sending cryptic statements that hide fees and confuse the merchant - NXGEN has brought a transparency that was unheard of before and still not matched.

NXGEN has changed the industry by creating in house departments for all aspects of the business including; technical support, customer service, statement analysis and sales. This means whether you are an Account Consultant, NXGEN Ambassador or Merchant you can call NXGEN and be directly connected to a specialist who knows exactly how to help you.

NXGEN has changed the residuals game by increasing the amount of potential residual recipients while giving sales forces and teams a myriad of different ways to get paid. Want limited responsible and follow up with merchants? Done. Want MORE responsibility and therefore more commission? Done. Because NXGEN is privately held yet large enough to negotiate its structures it stands alone in the industry.

NXGEN is going international. Over the past few years NXGEN has started processing in Canada, just launched in the UK and is poised to open in Italy, Eastern Europe, South America, Asia and Australia. Come with us as we spread this new way of doing business in the Payment Services Industry across the globe!

It's really quite simple - low rates, great service, honest business and a belief that everyone should have a chance to earn residual income is why NXGEN and NXGEN Ambassadors is poised to truly change the game forever. Join now to make your contribution and start on your path to residual income and financial freedom without having quitting your day job (unless you want to of course ;)

Don't waste another moment - SIGN UP NOW.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Difference is in the Details

What makes NXGEN Payment Services different from all of the other credit card merchant service providers? It is a mixture of how the company was started, how it has grown and the people the make it what it is today.

From the beginning NXGEN has stood alone, not following others but truly creating it's own path and it's own idea of what a payment services industry leader should be. Today NXGEN inhabits the top of a short list of MSP's that can provide the absolute lowest rates possible along with award winning customer service. With the addition of the in house "Business Development Center" or "BDC" a few years back NXGEN was one of the first MSP's to hire on full time business analysts that can take care of merchants on a 360 degree level. From sales, to set up, to technical difficulties, the BDC is at the forefront of the industry and is constantly evolving ways to help NXGEN's merchants run their business's better and more efficiently.

Behind the BDC however is a whole infrastructure of specialized employees that support NXGEN in being a wealth of information and knowing how to conquer any obstacle no matter what it may be. Technology. Another reason NXGEN stands apart from the competition. NXGEN, along with the hardest working digital information and technology department in the industry, has a long list of ground breaking proprietary softwares and online applications that allow NXGEN's merchants to access their entire CC business via the internet. Whether a business owner has one location or hundreds, they can be looked at online side by side and in virtual real time. And with websites like which allows large franchises and small businesses alike to see where they are losing unnecessary money based off of simple CC swipe errors, signing on with NXGEN is a no brainer for any merchant that wants to be better and save money at the same time.

To add to the list, NXGEN Ambassadors is just another one of the many revolutionary programs that NXGEN has introduced to it's repertoire. It is the first program to simplify the CC Merchant sales model and allow people from all walks of life and backgrounds to share in the multi-faceted world of the CC Industry. NXGEN is also breaking new grounds in the territories it services, starting this year NXGEN not only has the ability to service all of the USA and Canada but also The UK and Italy. Right behind these international hot spots to be serviced are countries like Mexico, Japan, South Korea and Poland just to name a few. Time and time again NXGEN is voted by it's peers as being in the top of the game, and with all of these new exciting programs progressing all of the time it is clear to see the the future holds unlimited possibilities in the years to come.