In the credit card industry almost EVERYONE is a potential client. Even normal people with out a business license or store are potential benefactors (think ebay, paypal, craigslist, kids in college, etc.). With that in mind, sometimes the hardest part isn't finding people that can benefit, but choosing which ones to connect with. Initially you should ask people in your immediate circle. Do you have an uncle that owns a body shop? Is your sister an aspiring artist who sells her work at local art shows? Does your Mom have a buddy who runs an online business? These are the people that will not only benefit from saving money on their payment services but who will appreciate you helping them out. In turn you will build a personal as well as business relationship together.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Finding Potential Clients for Your Business
The great thing about the NXGEN Ambassadors program is that you can be as involved as much or as little as you want. Either just mention you are an Ambassador and say you can see what kind of savings NXGEN can provide. Or, ask your NXGEN Business Analyst for more information and literature upfront so that you can really go over everything with your friend or family member together.
Once you have helped people close to you save money and streamline their income, you will become more confident asking your local businesses or people you have previously never met before. After that, the sky is the limit and there is no telling how much money you can help people save while also building your own residual income.
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