Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Must-Have Apps for Your Home Business

Ah, the freedom of having your own home based business. Wow, the marvel of not having to be chained to your desk at all times. Ooh, all the apps you’ll need now that you’re a mobile business wunderkind. Here are five applications sure to get your residual income home business off to a running start:

1. Dropbox – Although this application is free, it’s nothing short of priceless. It allows you to synchronize files, photos and videohttp://www.blogger.com/img/blank.gif between computers. Just save your file in Dropbox and it automatically saves that same file on your home computer, iPad and iPhone. It’s like taking your home office with you wherever you go.

2. Bump – Like the name says, all you’ve got to do is “bump” your iPhone or Android with someone else’s and you instantly exchange contact information between the two users. It’s a virtual business card that saves time, hassle and money.

3. Evernote – For every mental note, be it an idea, inspiration, insight or to-do list, the Evernote app is there capturing it all. It also helps you organize all of your random thoughts and photos while providing easy search tools to find every geius thought once it’s been recorded.

4. WhosHere – In need of a local printer in your area? Then send out a request on this proximity-based social networking app. You’ll be connected to professionals in your area based on your needs and contact them free of charge. Also comes in very handy when traveling.

5. Timewerks – For home based business owners, time is essential. Easily keep track of time spent on different projects, set separate rates for each task and create and send invoices straight from your phone with the incredibly smart Timewerks app. Perfect for those wanting to build residual income.